What is 3Q Surgery?

A brow lift or browpexy is a procedure designed to raise the brows and address the signs of aging, such as brow descent and forehead wrinkles. As skin loses elasticity with age, the eyebrows can droop, making you appear sad, angry, or upset. Centre for Surgery offers a full range of brow lift techniques, from traditional open methods to the newer, minimally invasive endoscopic approach, with over half of their procedures using the endoscopic technique.

Types of Lifting
  • Endoscopic Forehead Lift: An endoscopic forehead lift is a minimally invasive procedure designed to rejuvenate the upper face by lifting the forehead and repositioning sagging brows. 
  • Brow Lift: Minimally invasive, using 4 small incisions inside the hair to raise the brow with less scarring than traditional methods.

  • Upper Cheek Lift: An upper cheek lift is a cosmetic procedure aimed at enhancing the mid-face area by repositioning sagging cheek tissues to a higher, more youthful position. This procedure restores lost volume, smooths fine lines, and improves the contour of the cheekbones, creating a refreshed and rejuvenated look.

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Ibn Zuhr Building #53

Dubai Healthcare City



+971 4 443 2162

+971 58 820 2456



10am – 9pm 

